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The struggle for light: tc energía changes lives in hidalgo 


空气中飘着爆米花的香味. Smiling, attendees await the start of the projection. 这可能是一个典型的晚上在任何电影院…除了这里,没有墙壁和天花板. 也不是电网. We are in the community of Cieneguilla, in the state of Hidalgo. 在星空之上. 另一边是东方马德雷山脉. 这个电影之夜之所以成为可能,要感谢TC Energía在它所在的社区所发挥的魔力:感谢它捐赠的太阳能电池板, 光今天来到了这个家,这是威尼斯电玩城手游社会影响团队组织的一个项目的一部分. 有了它,还有另一个新奇之处:这是这座房子的主人,Mrs. 路易莎·纳瓦和奥巴马先生. Emiliano Camero, aged 78 and 84 respectively, watch a movie in their own house.

从3月1日到7日, in the municipalities of Cardonal and Tlahuiltepa, 在绅士, TC Energía practiced its policy of being a good neighbor. 因此, 感谢公司的捐赠, 在没有电网的社区安装了27个光伏系统. 在这些之外, 23 autonomous photovoltaic systems were for homes; two more were for community spaces (ejidal offices in Cieneguilla and Coyocala); two, in community clinics (Cieneguilla and Coyocala). In total, 89 people benefited from this program.


"Among the four focus areas we have at TC Energía (education, 安全, 环境, 以及弹性社区), one of the needs we identified in Mexico was access to basic services. 这在美国或加拿大不是一个大问题,但在威尼斯电玩城手游国家却是一个现实. 就这样,, 作为一家能源基础设施公司, 威尼斯电玩城手游问自己:这怎么可能, 在威尼斯电玩城手游所在的社区, there are still houses without access to energy? Last year we did a pilot of this program in a community. 今年将是两个,费尔南达·埃莫西略说, Senior Advisor of the 社会影响 area at TC Energía.


实施这一倡议, TC Energía与ilumsamuxico合作, 这家公司已经在全国范围内工作了13年, 受益人几乎不用付出任何代价, solar panel systems for communities that today do not have access to energy. A team of four men and a woman make up the basic staff to provide autonomous photovoltaic systems to some of the homes in the area that meet the following requirements: that they do not have access to energy; that they lack a rural electrification plan for the next four years; that they are the main home of the beneficiaries; that they can prove they are the owners of the space; and that they are families that really require the subsidy to have access to a source of energy. This last requirement is easily met here: these are very marginalized communities. They lack basic services like water, gas, telephone lines, and electric grid. They also are located on difficult-to-access lands. 其中一个社区是媒体 Luna, a cluster of 20 houses scattered on lands as harsh as the life of its inhabitants. 

在附近, 谎言媒体Luna, another community without basic services where several families live. “在这里, 有时, one must go far to charge the cell phone: an hour and a half or two hours, 走, 对Aguacatlan, Cieneguilla, 或面对. 威尼斯电玩城手游和熟人一起去,问他们是否可以把灯借给威尼斯电玩城手游给手机充电. 威尼斯电玩城手游问他们说,威尼斯电玩城手游欠你们多少?“有些人理解威尼斯电玩城手游,不收威尼斯电玩城手游的钱,但有些人确实向威尼斯电玩城手游要汽水钱。. 这就是威尼斯电玩城手游为光明所奋斗的. Here, one has to struggle,” says Francisco Nixta, a farmer.

This sentiment is shared by the residents of 媒体 Luna we spoke with. 例如, Marisela埃斯皮诺萨, 18岁, says she normally has to do her homework early, 只要有光. 否则,她必须使用蜡烛之前. Now it's a bit better because she has a car battery. With it, she turns on a LED light which gives a modern touch to her room. 这也能帮她给手机充电. 然而, 汽车电池在家里使用效率不高:它们的直流电必须转换成交流电才能连接电器. 此外,由于它不是为持续使用而设计的,它的充电不能持续很长时间. Therefore, Marisela is happy that she will soon have solar panels installed. It will be easier for her to study and do homework. 和 listen to music, one of her great passions. Such are the high expectations when you have nothing.

灯... 行动!

“材料已经到了!先生说。. 第二天,当他看到一辆带有ilumsamuxico标志的卡车驶近他的房子时. Two and a half hours later, the installation team finishes their work. 一个简单灯泡的照明, something we do in Mexico City without realizing its true value, is an unprecedented moment: it's the first in the home of the Camero Nava family. 和, 作为生活变化的示范, this opens the possibility of having a refrigerator, 搅拌机, 或者一台洗衣机. 这些都不存在于这些社区,因为没有办法为他们提供能量……直到现在.

At 6 in the evening, a group of people from nearby houses arrives. 他们来看户外电影. To demonstrate everything that can be connected to the panels, and to add a more festive touch to the occasion, TC Energía团队搭建了一个屏幕,连接了蓝光播放器和投影仪. The place was decorated with a series of outdoor lights. 因此, electricity transformed the location into a movie theater. None of those present had seen an outdoor projection in that community before. Surely, that explains the constant smiles on their faces. 



一个月后, 威尼斯电玩城手游回到伊达尔戈的这些社区,见证了一个名为ConcentrArte的组织举办的讲习班. 他们帮助ilumsamuxico赋予拥有电的体验更深刻的意义:通过工作坊, 他们教受益人如何最佳地使用光伏系统并节约能源. They also invite local painters to develop a mural in some part of the community. 因此, El Moxhte社区卫生中心的墙上也会有一个提醒:Diego Muciño Jasso绘制的相关壁画.

在这个地区,威尼斯电玩城手游遇到了老熟人. 他们的笑容还在. 这些熟人中就有玛丽·卡默罗. She offers us nopal water prepared with her new blender. “因为我爸爸有糖尿病, with the blender I prepare this nopal smoothie for him, 这对他很有帮助. 威尼斯电玩城手游以前做不到. Now that we have the solar panels, we can make these smoothies.” Marisela confirms that she now listens to music all day. 期望已经实现. 感谢TC Energía, 伊达尔戈这些社区的居民现在有一盏灯在家里等着他们. 
